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Home - General / All posts - when I edit the IMS published file, falls the 125 line
galvarez5 post(s)
#24-Nov-08 09:56

Hello, I have seen this problem working with Manifold IMS

  • I can publish

  • I can see the published map

    When I edit the map, and save the .map, restart the IIS (not the admin) the system reflects this message:

    * Tipo de error:


    Error no especificado

    /MapaAdministrativo/default.asp, línea 125

    * Tipo de explorador:

    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; es-ES; rv: Gecko/20080201 Firefox/

    * Página:

    POST 723 bytes to /MapaAdministrativo/default.asp

    * Datos de POST:

    boxBandX=206&boxBandY=89&boxSizeX=700&boxSizeY=452&boxStopX=314&boxStopY=156&command=zoomBox&findP=y&layersP=y&legendP=y&mode=zoomBox&state=layers%3D0%2C1%2C2%2C3%2C4%2C5%2C6%2C7%2C8%2C9%2C10%2C11%2C1 . . .

    But if I edit a copy of the map, and replace it for the edited file, the problem doesn´t happen.

    The problem is when I edit and save the published map.

    any sugestions?

  • artlembo

    3,426 post(s)
    #24-Nov-08 10:17

    have you checked the permissions of the file for the IUSR account?

    galvarezhn28 post(s)
    #24-Nov-08 10:24

    sure, the IUSR permissions are ok. It´s just when I edit the file

    196 post(s)
    #24-Nov-08 10:20

    I have run into this problem myself. If you edit the file, the previous file permissions are wiped out. If you just overwrite the file, the permissions are kept in tact.


    galvarezhn28 post(s)
    #24-Nov-08 10:24

    May it be so?

    196 post(s)
    #25-Nov-08 05:49

    Not sure what you are asking here.... I have run into this problem, and fixed it by re-applying the permissions.


    1,439 post(s)
    #25-Nov-08 08:31

    hacker is right, if you edit the map file and save it, the permissions can be wiped out. Just reset the permissions on the file, reset the mapserver using the administration page, and it should be fine.

    "The blessing in life is finding the torture you are comfortable with." - Jerry Seinfeld, 6/26/2013


    6,414 post(s)
    #25-Nov-08 08:44

    ... and you can circumvent the MS problem developing in one place and copying the map file to the folder where IIS expects it. You can set the containing folder to pass permission on to all files that are copied into that branch of the file system with the windows tools. This only applies to copied files, not to files saved by manifold directly.

    Do you really want to ruin economy only to save the planet?


    7,505 post(s)
    #25-Nov-08 09:21

    May it be so?

    Yes. The advice to check permissions is conveniently offered in a paragraph marked with a bright red "Very important:" in the Permissions section of

    See also the Troubleshooting section of, although that section does not draw your eye with a bright red "Very important:" warning when it advises checking permissions after editing a .map file. Maybe they ran out of red characters. :-)

    Also, a handy list of things to check (including this one) occurs in the troubleshooting topic - it is always a good idea if anything unexpected ever happens with an IMS installation to check that topic first and then perhaps to quickly re-read the other topics, just in case whatever is happening is explicitly discussed in Help.

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