A new update for Manifold 8 is now available. Changes since previous update: (Fix) Using an Oracle table with no columns whose type can be recognized by Manifold (eg, all columns being set to use a user-defined type) no longer hangs. (Fix) Capturing a modal dialog for UI scripting no longer considers dialogs launched outside the Manifold process. (Fix) Changing formatting of a theme no longer fails to repaing layouts displaying that theme. (First reported by John Mechalas.) (Fix) Importing a DXF file from a script no longer fails. (Fix) Importing a spline from a DGN file no longer sometimes joins coordinates in incorrect order. (Fix) Importing a NITF file no longer sometimes fails. Writing metadata to Oracle 9i no longer sometimes fails (a workaround for a problem in Oracle code). (First reported by James Rutter.) (Fix) Using CUDA no longer sometimes fails after a few successful runs (a regression). (First reported by Arthur Lembo.)
The update is available for Manifold 8 editions and Manifold 8 x64 editions. For instructions on installing and using updates, see the Manifold System Updates page.