I have raster/image data describing proposed mine pit elevations, and need to develop a table of elevation-pit volume-pit area. The attached image should show a line/contour data set and interpolated shell in grey scale. I'm expecting to work with the raster/image part of this data for the volume calcs. Similar to the contour transform, I'd like to be able to specify 5 m intervals and receive information back relating to each interval, in this case being a table of volume within the pit beneath the plane elevation, and the area of the pit at that elevation. The equivalent tool in Arc is "3D Analyst Tools>Surface Volume" while in QGIS it's "Raster analysis>Raster surface volume". In each case, batching the tools to run for multiple elevations can result in the table I described. Having done earlier analysis steps in Manifold, I'd prefer not to export the data and load into Arc for the next step. Is there a way to achieve this in Manifold? Attachments: