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Recently I stumbled upon a post of Geoff Boeing about road orientation of major world cities. I decided to do the same for 96 cities (actually more than 2500 cities and villages) in the Netherlands. The charts show the orientation of the roads for a city. Both direction and relative length. It was fun to use manifold in such a way Attachments: USNO - Abc.png
http://www.mppng.nl/manifold/pointlabeler |
This is very cool. Tufte would like it. Thanks for bringing Geoff's work to our attention and demonstrating similar analysis for cities of the Netherlands using Manifold.
Excellent work. Did you do this in 9 or 8? Also, did you make the charts in Manifold, or simply export the data into a charting program and then make the charts?
This is amazing, I wouldn't even know where to begin trying to generate this with 9. Obviously zero obligation to share your great work here, but I would love to see the project if you were inclined. Cheers!
HMS186 post(s) |
It's a very impressive experiment. Thanks for sharing it!