Like oeaulong, I am very fond of the mature UI tools in 8, especially the ability to create forms in the 32-bit version. If you want/need to stay in 8, you can use a very short script to do what you want. Please note, this is a kludge, and took less than 2 minutes to write. There are many ways to improve upon the script. In this script, I have a .map with a bunch of surfaces (they could be images, too). I took one of the surfaces and renamed it 'aaa' (the first kludge hack). Then, I simply ran this script (note, do this in the 64-bit version): Sub Main Set theCompS = document.ComponentSet Set baseSurface = theCompS("aaa") for each comp in theCompS if comp.TypeName = "Surface" then if comp.Name <> "aaa" then comp.Copy baseSurface.Paste true end if end if next End Sub Here's what it does - it cycles through each Surface in my map project, copies the surface, and then pastes the surface into the surface I call 'aaa'. Now, 9 has a nicer tool, and 9 may be faster to do it. But, I can literally merge all the DEMs in a 900 sq. meter county in less time than it takes to drink a cup of coffee. Of course in this case, I've hard coded a surface named 'aaa', and I've also assumed that every Surface component in the .map file is one that I wish to merge. But, you get the idea. This is easy to do, and doesn't require you to manually copy/paste each surface. If you want to contact me offline, I can help you make this a little more user friendly and adaptable. --- long live 8