If there already exists a fast and easy, single-click solution then providing another way of doing that isn't going to be a high priority item (see the Suggestionspage). Going back to the first thread you posted, I remarked: The problem fundamentally is that both EPSG 31370 as well as "Belgium National Geographic Institute" as writtenrequire a special case form of LCC, that Manifold does not support (QGIS doesn't either, but Arc does). Change the parameters as EPSG advises (as quoted in my earlier post), and then the usual form of LCC, which Manifold does support, works fine.
There is an existing solution, using the usual form of LCC, and that solution is something that EPSG itself advises. Implementing a special form of the LCC wouldn't even be a significant convenience, since you could save the EPSG recommended solution as a Favorite. You'd then have it ready to use with a single click. Why not just do that?