I believe we can use IronPython 3.4.1 with Manifold 9 just fine. Yes, we have to use the variant targeting .NET Framework 4.6.2. I attach my notes: #python ### In Powershell # goto somewhere you can download files cd C:\Downloads # download zip Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://github.com/IronLanguages/ironpython3/releases/download/v3.4.1/IronPython.3.4.1.zip -OutFile IronPython.3.4.1.zip # unzip Expand-Archive -Path IronPython.3.4.1.zip -DestinationPath IronPython-unzipped # install IronPython binaries for .NET Framework 4.6.2 (4.6.2 is the lower bound, good for 4.8.x) ./IronPython-unzipped/Scripts/Install-IronPython.ps1 -Path c:\Apps\ipy341net4 -ZipFile .\IronPython.3.4.1.zip -Framework net462 # enter IronPython environment C:\Apps\ipy341net4\Enter-IronPythonEnvironment.ps1 # install pip ipy -m ensurepip # (don't) upgrade pip # ipy -m pip install --upgrade pip # run ipy repl ipy.exe ### In Ipy repl # determine important paths >>> import sys >>> sys.path # ['.', 'C:\\Apps\\ipy341net4\\lib', 'C:\\Apps\\ipy341net4\\DLLs','C:\\Apps\\ipy341net4', 'C:\\Apps\\ipy341net4\\lib\\site-packages'] # install your favourite package (e.g. pathlib) ipy -m pip install pathlib ### Manually # copy these files to <manifold>/extras/ironpython # DLLs\IronPython.SQLite.dll # DLLs\IronPython.Wpf.dll # IronPython.dll # IronPython.Modules.dll # Microsoft.Dynamic.dll # Microsoft.Scripting.dll # System.Buffers.dll # System.Memory.dll # System.Numerics.Vectors.dll # System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll ### In Manifold # View -> New Command Window -> IronPython # check paths import sys sys.path # add paths sys.path.extend(['C:\\Apps\\ipy341net4\\lib', 'C:\\Apps\\ipy341net4\\lib\\site-packages']) # try things and explore from pathlib import WindowsPath import html import sysconfig sysconfig.get_config_vars() Attachments: README-Manifold-IronPython.txt