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10,447 post(s)
#20-Aug-23 13:20

SHA256: a4f8fe42484f6a34036ebe7a677efbc0bdc0eecadca6a80d19a0081c0ee9ec2d

SHA256: f0d30aa7297c6fbf4470a98aa6d2f981a9000cf8916363d7faf61fe2f4ef1798

SHA256: f8e9f4a6e28aa7b47c92ac333d85703d8af937b739b960ab746f905feacd59ce


10,447 post(s)
#20-Aug-23 13:23


(Fix) Drop-down lists for fields or components no longer fail to limit the number of choices, showing random commands for choices above the limit (1000).

The number of choices in drop-down lists is increased from 1000 to 4000.

(Fix) The Javascript control no longer ignores changes to the on / off layer states made interactively when rendering the legend.

(Fix) Attempting to filter or join a table with an RTREE index on x / y / tile fields and no BTREE indexes no longer sometimes fails, returning no records.

The HTTP server supports OGC WMS 1.3.0. The support is automatic and does not need any additional configuration. The published component is exposed as a single layer. (In the future we will likely expose multiple layers to allow turning them on and off via the WMS API.) The coordinate system of the WMS layer is either (a) the coordinate system of the component, if it is based on EPSG, or (b) the default pseudo-Mercator coordinate system. The images produced by the WMS interface are always PNG with transparent backgorund. (In the future we will allow specifying solid background with the desired background color via the WMS API.)

Rendering images for WMS skips rendering virtual layers. This is done for clients that cache rendered WMS tiles (first and foremost 9 itself) and stitch final screens from cached data.

New HTTP endpoint:

  • /wms - OGC WMS entry point.

End of list.


3,417 post(s)
#20-Aug-23 21:17

are there plans to add capabilities like GetFeatureInfo?


3,417 post(s)
#20-Aug-23 22:52

response is quite fast. This will be great to mash up all kinds of layers and make available to other GIS packages.


7,464 post(s)
#22-Aug-23 09:13

are there plans to add capabilities like GetFeatureInfo?

Should there be?


3,417 post(s)
#22-Aug-23 10:38

I think so. Otherwise it’s just a static picture. One can serve up data layers of any theme and allow an info query to work. When people are viewing web maps, it’s a natural think to want to click on an object to find information about it.


7,464 post(s)
#22-Aug-23 16:41

Well, people publishing pages with Server can provide that capability now with Server's regular page, where users can use the Info button to click objects.

In any event, it would only make sense to do that after Server exposes multiple layers to the WMS API.


3,417 post(s)
#22-Aug-23 21:46

Yes, I agree it is better done when you have individual layers, broken out.

And, the reason, for exposing this is not geared toward the Manifold end user, but rather people using other software. Now manifold can host webpages, and people with Esri or QGIS now have access to it and be able to click on an object and receive information.

The example you showed below was a good way to see the results of WMS. But, I think it would be more interesting to show that same layer displayed inside of an Esri product or a QGIS product, knowing that it had actually come from Manifold Server. Right now, someone could get the impression big deal, manifold reads it’s on results. But instead, this is the first step in getting Manifold services into other product workflows.


2,064 post(s)
#23-Aug-23 04:51

But, I think it would be more interesting to show that same layer displayed inside of an Esri product or a QGIS product, knowing that it had actually come from Manifold Server. Right now, someone could get the impression big deal, manifold reads it’s on results. But instead, this is the first step in getting Manifold services into other product workflows.

+ 1 This is what I am after within our organisation. The example I posted in my other thread is to show that Manifold can do heavy lift instantly in the background and serve it out to our ESRI suite (ESRI couldn't do this). There are a host of opportunities for Manifold if it can do this sort of work even thought we are an ESRI shop.

Landsystems Ltd ... Know your land |


693 post(s)
#23-Aug-23 13:38

Here is an example of the usage of the WMS feature within QGIS. Served via localhost, lightning fast.

Schermafbeelding 2023-08-23 153355.png

Mike Pelletier

2,139 post(s)
#22-Aug-23 17:02

Don't know the pros/cons of various issues with GetFeatureInfo vs WFS vs ESRI Rest service. Do know that it would be nice to no longer have to pay a company to host some of my data as ESRI Rest service, which I'm currently doing.


7,464 post(s)
#22-Aug-23 17:15

A quick follow up for anybody who wants to try the WMS server. Start by publishing to the web using Server in the usual way.

If you want to take a look at what the WMS server does, launch a Manifold session and create a new data source that's a WMS server. For the server URL, add /wms to the end of the URL for the web page served by the HTTP server for the WMS URL. For example, if Server is serving an HTTP page to, the WMS URL will be

This is what it looks like using the "eclipses" example web server page in the What's New page...

Since the PNG images served by the WMS server have transparent background, if you want the background color to look like that in the original, create a map that uses the WMS map image as a layer, and then set the background color in the Layers pane to what you want (I used the eyedropper to pick the color from the web site in a browser):

The image that you see in that Map Image tab above is coming in from the WMS server. With the new capability, if you have an HTTP web page, you also have a WMS server page.

Note that I copied the map image from the data source to make a local copy in the project, using the technique in this topic. I usually do that even when not necessary, to keep the names of served layers short.



994 post(s)
#26-Aug-23 04:51

M9.180.8. Thanks for the drop-down list fix. It works on a W7 machine, but not on a W10, see screenshots. Same installation file used on both machines, same file tested. Fresh download and installation on W10, same result. W10 installation will not respond to keyboard "P" in Transform or Select panes for a field beginning with "P" near the end of the schema.

Noticed the drop-down for fields in the Styles pane didn't / doesn't exhibit this behavior, quite happily able to keyboard "P" to get to the required style field.

9_180_8 drop down kbrd P W7.jpg
9_180_8 drop down list issue still W10.jpg
9_180_8 drop down list OK on W7.jpg


7,464 post(s)
#26-Aug-23 05:52

I just tried it in Windows 10 and it works for me. Two things to consider:

First, in the 9_180_8 drop down list issue still W10.jpg illustration there is no drop down menu visible. Try clicking into the box so the drop down menu appears, and only then pressing the "p" key on the keyboard. Does that work?

Second, could it be that the "P" field you are looking for is a data type that does not appear in the list? For example, if you use Edit - Schema to add a "pcode" field that is of type varbinary it will not appear in the least for the Search template in Select, because there's no searching against a binary field.

You can check for that by clicking the Field box to open the drop down menu and then on the keyboard pressing the up arrow key to search up through the top of the list to the bottom of the list, to scroll to the "P" field that you want. Does it appear in the list?


994 post(s)
#26-Aug-23 07:16

Thanks, it works if I hit "G" - several fields begin with "G", so it isn't that basic an issue.

Pcode is int32 type.

Using the up arrow to go from the top of the list to the bottom skips the "P"s (2) and an "N" and goes direct to "G9405.." which I'm guessing is at about the 1000 field mark (screenshot)

Just checked on a copy of one large field table 1190 fileds. Deleted several blocks in schema and had another go - number of fields 1058 and works as expected, so it isn't a 1000 issue. Tried again on new copy, trim down to 1170 (deleted 20 fields) fields and it works as expected.

Deleting one at a time from 1190... 1171 returns first "P" field, but not the second (can't scroll down to it, first P locked in place in field picker). Delete 2 more fields to 1169 and an "S" filed appears at the bottom as well as the 2 Ps. Down to 1168 and a "U" appears, which alphabetically would be the last field.

9_180_8 field drop down up arrow.jpg


7,464 post(s)
#26-Aug-23 09:43

Could you take a table that shows the effect, delete all records, rename the table to anonymize it, and then post a project with just that the table?


994 post(s)
#26-Aug-23 22:35


Drop down list not working in 9_180_8


7,464 post(s)
#27-Aug-23 11:13

Thanks for the table. Having an example that reproduces the problem is the first step to fixing it. :-) Here's a sample project I've been using derived from yours.

I reproduced the problem, with drop down lists ending in the 1167 or 1168 item in the list.

I thought it might be the very many "G" field names (600+) overloading the Microsoft access key mechanism Manifold uses, so I created tables with about 360 of them renamed to start with "Z_". Same issue.

In the attached project, the field_list table is a single field with records that each have the name of one of the fields in the original table. Sorting that with a Ctrl-click on the column head makes it easier to see at which item number in an alphabetical list the drop down menu stops.

The table_field_list_z is your table with 362 of the fields renamed to begin with "Z" to see if it is a "too many G fields" issue. It isn't.

I've reported this, so we'll see if it's an issue with Manifold code, Microsoft code, or a mix of both.

Drop down

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