Changes The ODBC driver supports extra connection options required by newer versions of Excel 365. The HTTP server supports -cx:xxx and -cy:xxx command line options that specify the image size. The maximum allowed value for each option is 4096. If neither CX nor CY is provided, the image size is 800x800. If only CX or CY is provided, the image size is CXxCX or CYxCY. If both CX and CY are provided, the image size is CXxCY. The HTTP server better handles invalid requests with attached content. (Previously they were being rejected later than they could have been.) Attempting to create a second instance or reinitialize an existing instance of the Javascript control provided by the HTTP server does nothing. (There can currently be only one instance of the Manifold Javascript control per web page. This limitation will be removed in the future.) If the size of the Javascript control provided by the HTTP server is less than 200x200 pixels, the control reduces to a static image. (The toolbar is turned off because there is no space. Panning and zooming using the cursor are turned off because there is no way to get back to the original extent plus the image might be too small to perform panning and zooming in general.) The HTTP server shows the description of the served component below its name. (When providing the description for a map, make sure to edit the description of the map component instead of the description of the active layer.) The Javascript control provided by the HTTP server puts the toolbar directly onto the top edge of the map without any gaps, to better use the available space. The Javascript control provided by the HTTP server adjusts the UI for devices with a touch screen (eg, phones): toolbar buttons are made bigger, hover effects for toolbar buttons are turned off, panning and zooming the map using the cursor is turned off, clicking on the map re-centers it. The HTTP server includes available locations in the configuration data for the Javascript control. The Javascript control shows locations provided via the configuration data in a dropdown menu and allows zooming to them. The HTTP server includes layers that can be turned on or off in the configuration data for the Javascript control. The Javascript control shows layers provided via the configuration data in a dropdown pane with checkboxes and allows turning them on or off and then saving changes using the Apply button. The list of layers that can be turned on or off is composed according to the following rules: - if the served component is a map, top level layers can be turned on or off and layers inside layer groups cannot (the distinction allows one to have both layers that can be controlled via the web UI and layers that cannot),
- if the served component is not a map, its only layer cannot be turned on or off.
The HTTP server uses the following priorities for the image cache: full view > any other view, default layers > some layers turned on or off. Changes to the HTTP server endpoints: - /config - a new endpoint, returns the configuration data for the served component as plain text, this is useful as a reference when setting up a web site,
- /map - supports a new parameter: layermod=hXXsYY... to turn layers on or off, the value of the parameter is a string of 'hXX' and 'sYY' commands where (a) 'hXX' forces the layer with the ID equal to XX to be hidden, and (b) 'sYY' forces the layer with the ID equal to YY to be shown unless it has to be hidden due to the current scale being outside of the layer's min-max scale range, layer IDs are found in the configuration data for the component.
End of list.