Hi I downloaded a large quantity of data (6Gb) from this source : https://ghsl.jrc.ec.europa.eu/download/projectionR2020/BUILT-POP_PROJ_GLOBE_SSP_R2020.zip This data should show geographical projection of population by 2100 for the whole world, I am only interested in the data of Mauritania which you can access here : https://ied-sa.box.com/s/8d40fhq5g0hffdxtdvxxuxkuhputfksx (I only unzipped the data I wanted, then zipped it again) to share it here (5Mo) it is under gdb format and I cannot open it with M9. I tried File/Import (both selecting "all file *.*" or "gdb Files") nothing appears in the project pane I tried to create a new datasource, same, not working the journal windows only says : "2023-03-20 10:18:53 -- Manifold System 2023-03-20 10:18:53 -- Starting up 2023-03-20 10:18:53 Log file: C:\Users\xefi\AppData\Local\Manifold\v9.0\20230320.log 2023-03-20 10:18:54 -- Startup complete (1.126 sec) 2023-03-20 10:18:54 -- Create: (New Project) (0.013 sec) 2023-03-20 10:29:26 *** Failed to load library: nvcuda.dll 2023-03-20 10:29:26 *** Failed to load library: cuda.dll 2023-03-20 10:34:02 -- Import: D:\2 - Affaires\50 mauritanie\BUILT-POP_PROJ_GLOBE_SSP_R2020 - 1\Pop_builtup_projections_SSP2_2015_2100\WestAfrica\MRT\MRT_BUProject_2015_2100.gdb\gdb (0.313 sec) " Any clue how I can import these data in Manifold?