Changes The Grid dialog allows specifying grid step by X and Y. The default is 1x1 coordinate system unit. The grid cells never become smaller than the specified step. The Grid dialog allows specifying whether grid step may be increased during rendering. The default is on = allow increasing. If the option is turned off, the grid cells never become larger than the specified step, the step is fixed. If the visible size of grid cells becomes too small, the grid is not rendered. The spacing parameter is removed and replaced with several internal parameters. Rendering a grid for a latitude / longitude system restricts parallels to the -90..90 range. If the 'Use latitude / longitude' option is turned on, rendering a grid also restricts meridians to the -180..180 range, otherwise meridians are not restricted. The Grid dialog allows specifying unit for the grid step. The default is to use the coordinate system unit. The Layers pane shows icons for grid / north arrow / scale bar layers in a map. Layouts support north arrow frames. To add a north arrow frame, use the new Create North Arrow cursor mode (shortcut: Shift-N). Layouts support scale bar frames. To add a scale bar frame, use the new Create Scale Bar cursor mode (shortcut: Shift-S). North arrow / scale bar layout frames use data from the next component frame below in the display stack, or, if there are no such frames, from the topmost component frame. A north arrow layout frame with auto bearing checks whether the center of the north arrow shape is inside the component frame used by the north arrow. If the center of the north arrow shape is inside the component frame, the bearing is computed in that center. Otherwise, the bearing is computed in the center of the component frame. The Info pane for a north arrow / scale bar layout frame shows the north arrow / scale bar style and allows editing it. The Info pane for a component layout frame allows turning on / off grid. The pane shows the grid style and allows editing it. (Currently, if the grid step is allowed to change, the layout window might use different grid steps at different zoom levels. Printing the layout, however, will always use the same step. In the future, the layout window will also fix the grid step to the one that will be used during printing.) End of list.