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10,447 post(s)
#10-Oct-22 14:55

SHA256: 2e9f00d59262b2612fe9cfe002a1410c65fbf76d790ea1844afbe110149eea79

SHA256: ddb53f6dba6b7b88ec9a3f5ae1db35d106d27ecfa6e3989bfe145f1b57386f4c

SHA256: 861ed5132851d66bfd6f9af37e11864812fd1cd998dc03b91e04231a5af22b6f


10,447 post(s)
#10-Oct-22 14:56


The Grid dialog allows specifying grid step by X and Y. The default is 1x1 coordinate system unit. The grid cells never become smaller than the specified step.

The Grid dialog allows specifying whether grid step may be increased during rendering. The default is on = allow increasing. If the option is turned off, the grid cells never become larger than the specified step, the step is fixed. If the visible size of grid cells becomes too small, the grid is not rendered. The spacing parameter is removed and replaced with several internal parameters.

Rendering a grid for a latitude / longitude system restricts parallels to the -90..90 range. If the 'Use latitude / longitude' option is turned on, rendering a grid also restricts meridians to the -180..180 range, otherwise meridians are not restricted.

The Grid dialog allows specifying unit for the grid step. The default is to use the coordinate system unit.

The Layers pane shows icons for grid / north arrow / scale bar layers in a map.

Layouts support north arrow frames. To add a north arrow frame, use the new Create North Arrow cursor mode (shortcut: Shift-N).

Layouts support scale bar frames. To add a scale bar frame, use the new Create Scale Bar cursor mode (shortcut: Shift-S).

North arrow / scale bar layout frames use data from the next component frame below in the display stack, or, if there are no such frames, from the topmost component frame.

A north arrow layout frame with auto bearing checks whether the center of the north arrow shape is inside the component frame used by the north arrow. If the center of the north arrow shape is inside the component frame, the bearing is computed in that center. Otherwise, the bearing is computed in the center of the component frame.

The Info pane for a north arrow / scale bar layout frame shows the north arrow / scale bar style and allows editing it.

The Info pane for a component layout frame allows turning on / off grid. The pane shows the grid style and allows editing it. (Currently, if the grid step is allowed to change, the layout window might use different grid steps at different zoom levels. Printing the layout, however, will always use the same step. In the future, the layout window will also fix the grid step to the one that will be used during printing.)

End of list.

Mike Pelletier

2,141 post(s)
#10-Oct-22 16:33

Excellent and useful additions! Neat to have adjusting grid with zoom level.

Some trouble though.

1. It seems that the grid is coming close to rounded values but not quite there. Using EPSG-2232, I'm seeing -106.98 longitude rather than -107.

2. Be nice to have a label option for the grid in the future. The Mfd 8 way works well for layouts but perhaps a way too for web maps.

3. It would be nice to have a way in the scale bar dialogue to set the scale bar to a dimension so that the we can have say 1 cm = 1 km or 1" = 500'.

Mike Pelletier

2,141 post(s)
#10-Oct-22 16:52

... and the grid needs a way to convert to a vector layer like in Mfd8. Otherwise it is just a line for visual reference and without a label it is not so helpful.

265 post(s)
#10-Oct-22 18:02

When converting to vector, grid limits are useful also, something that is present in M8 too.

Also I thing there should be a clear way to distinguish between the visible grid and the snapping grid. Or maybe they should be merged.


10,447 post(s)
#11-Oct-22 12:53


We'll add means to save the grid as a drawing, yes. We'll allow editing the XY limits when doing that.

We'll rework snapping to use the grid in the grid layer, too, there will be no more separate snap grid.


10,447 post(s)
#11-Oct-22 13:03


1 - (-106.98 rather than -107 on a grid) - where are you seeing this? Are you looking at the location reported for the cursor in the status bar, or?

2 - (add labels to the grid) - we'll add them, yes.

3 - (1 cm = 1 km in scale bar) - is this not better handled by a text frame with the text set to something like '1 cm = [[ ScaleBarLength(1, 'cm', 'km') ]] km' (similarly to how we can embed field values and expressions into labels)? That way, you could write something more descriptive, eg, '1 cm on the map equals [[ ... ]] km', or use two measurement units, eg, '1 cm = [[ ... ]] km / [[ ... ]] mi', make the numbers bold so they stand out in the text (by using multiple text frames), etc, etc, etc.

Mike Pelletier

2,141 post(s)
#11-Oct-22 14:01

1. Yes, as reported in the status bar. If your not seeing similar, let me know what else you'd like me to check.

3. Your example sounds good and flexible. However, there should be a way to easily set the scalebar length to be a cm/inch without having to drag it with the cursor to that length.

BTW, while north arrow, scale bar, and grid could have been hacked before, these new tools will remove some sizeable barriers to general mapping. While there are many areas that could use improving, I'm thinking that overlapping labels is the remaining biggest hang up for making maps. It's really nice to seeing these chips falling away.


10,447 post(s)
#11-Oct-22 14:07

1 - can -106.98 instead of -107 be related to the cursor position not being very precise? Does the number get closer to -107 if you zoom in a couple of times and try placing the cursor over the same grid line?

3 - got it. You can already set the width / height of a frame to the desired number of inches / millimeters using the Position tab in the Info pane. In the future we will also allow snapping to grid (or maybe guides).

Mike Pelletier

2,141 post(s)
#11-Oct-22 14:25

1. It isn't the zoom issue. I see now that it seems to line up with -107 when the lat/long checkbox isn't checked. Try checking the lat/long box setting the steps to 1 and perhaps use EPSG:2232. When I zoom in close near my area, the status bar shows -106.985, 38.404. I also know where -107 should be at the status bar reports it accurately. Same issue on layout with grid.

3. Okay that seems to work well enough. Thanks.


10,447 post(s)
#11-Oct-22 14:48

For 1 - can you save the current location you are looking at (where the grid line should be at -107, but is at -106.985 or something similar), then post the MAP file? Or send the MAP file to tech support. We only need the component with the grid and the location. The component does not need to contain any data. This might be related to a loss of accuracy when converting from EPSG:2232 to lat/lon and back. If so, it might not be fixable (but we'd like to see for sure).

Mike Pelletier

2,141 post(s)
#11-Oct-22 15:02

Here's a map file. Seems too big an error to be a conversion error. My guess would be something to do with the projection being in feet.



10,447 post(s)
#17-Oct-22 15:28

We found this. Computing the grid step was scaling to a wrong factor in one place. We fixed this, the fix will be available in the next build.

Thanks a lot for the description of the issue and example data!

Mike Pelletier

2,141 post(s)
#11-Oct-22 14:41

Unless I'm missing something, it would be great if in the layout we could zoom to a set scale so that scale would read a nice round number like 1" = 1000' (scale 1:12,000). Currently, it seems we have to go back into the map, zoom to the desired scale, save a location, go back to layout, choose that location, and then pan around to get the desired extent. Sometimes it takes a few iterations to find the right balance between the right map extent and a scale that's easy to use.


10,447 post(s)
#11-Oct-22 14:45

We should add means to zoom to the desired absolute scale right from the layout, agree. That's in the wishlist (with a few other items along the same lines).

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