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10,447 post(s)
#10-Dec-21 16:51

SHA256: ac7a257e0d91980c847c9763434328953dcbd91cdc56ae0e653fab118678bafc

SHA256: feda98b654d72705105c9ddd52d513c9c17882b333c2e1135911c161829855d7

SHA256: dad7008928dd8554dff2e674dea48eb4cf068b27cefb081ffe6ed3318e53c9da

SHA256: 04a0a0f8361386c409a2891a1b85697067f04c05160c4dde59a7f1fb5aed58b7

SHA256: 8b492d4cfe00c3292b6163bc9530ed281c67bf36158baf37db4f1b3d9481b1fc

Both 9 and 8 concentrate on various fixes and small adjustments as we prepare to wrap up the current series of cutting edge builds and issue new base builds.


10,447 post(s)
#10-Dec-21 16:53

Changes for 9

The C runtime (CRT) is updated to 14.30.30704.0. (The portable ZIP published for the cutting edge build does not include the new version of the CRT, but the MSI / EXE packages for the next base build will. One of the notable changes in the new CRT is that the x64 flavor now includes native modules for the ARM64 architecture. You can download and install the new version of the CRT from Microsoft. You do not, however, have to do that right away and can wait for the next base build which will install it automatically. The current cutting edge build for 9 supports both the new version and the previous version of the CRT seamlessly.)

CUDA modules are recompiled using CUDA 11.5.1. This adds minor performance improvements.

The 'Side' edit in the Style dialog for numeric / vector values is renamed to 'Positive degrees' and is replaced with a combo box with choices for: '(none)', 'E', 'e', 'N', 'n', 'S', 's', 'W', 'w'.

Definitions for choice styles interpret 'value;' sequences as 'value=value;', that is, as a choice whose display name coincides with its value. This helps shorten the definitions for choice styles designed to simply limit values for a field to a specific subset without changing the way these values are displayed.

(Fix) The URL style for text values recognizes URLs with 'file:' and other non-web schemas.

The StringFormatAny query function supports choice styles for text values. The original text value is trimmed before matching any of the choices. The Style dialog for text values allows specifying a choice style.

Sample data in the Style dialog for vector values are adjusted to be simpler to read (were trying to illustrate too much).

Lists of choices in the Style dialogs have 'Value' and 'Show as' captions to make it clearer which column is doing what.

Editing a value formatted with a choice style sorts choices in the dropdown menu so that numbers appear before non-numbers and are sorted by a numeric, rather than text, value. A choice is treated as a number if it starts with a number. (Example order: '-9999 (invalid)', '1', '2', '2.5', '3 (standard)', '4', '10', 'other'.)

The About dialog reports Windows 11 as 'Windows 11 vvvv', Windows 10 as 'Windows 10 vvvv' and Windows Server 2016+ as 'Windows Server vvvv', with 'vvvv' being a Windows 10-type version label (eg, '21H1').

(Fix) Replacing a text fragment using a regular expression no longer fails to ignore case when matching class character sequences ('[a-c]' or '[abc]') if asked to ignore case.

The WEBP dataport is updated to use LIBWEBP 1.2.1. This fixes a couple of minor bugs in raster encoding.

The internal version of SQLITE used for all types of SQLITE data, including GPKG, is updated to 3.37.0. This adds support for STRICT tables, improves the performance of some types of queries, and fixes a couple of bugs.

The image server for Yandex Maps Street Map is hidden as discontinued (a new version seems to be coming).

(Fix) The LAS library dataport no longer sometimes returns incomplete results when working with more than ~500 files. (This was a series of issues occurring because the library was keeping too many files opened simultaneously for prolonged periods of time, hitting various limits itself and forcing other parts of the system into hitting these limits as well. We started by reworking the code to limit the number of files kept open at any given moment. Then we have been trying hard not to lose any performance when files above the limit had to be closed and reopened. In the end, thanks to a couple of algorithmic changes, instead of not losing too much performance, we managed to gain a little.)

(Fix) Computing a Voronoi diagram no longer sometimes fails to completely build shapes for some points in near-collinear point configurations (eg, a series of points following a reasonably smooth line in short steps).

(Fix) Exporting labels to DXF no longer fails if label text is defined using a text pattern.

(Fix) Exporting labels to KML no longer fails if label text is defined using a text pattern.

The KOBO dataport automatically refreshes opened tables every 5 minutes. This feature relies on table versions published by KOBO. Table versions do not advance for absolutely all types of changes to the underlying data, but they advance for the most common type of changes - adding new records - as well as for many of the less common types, such as adding or deleting fields.

End of list.

10,106 post(s)
#10-Dec-21 18:00

This is hilarious (and great). So very Manifold!

(Fix) The LAS library dataport no longer sometimes returns incomplete results when working with more than ~500 files. (This was a series of issues […] In the end, thanks to a couple of algorithmic changes, instead of not losing too much performance, we managed to gain a little.)

I think I can hear Dan chuckling into his hearty breakfast from here.


2,069 post(s)
#10-Dec-21 19:00

I am indeed!

I reported this about a week ago and received a nice note from tech explaining what was causing the issue and that the fix was potentially a big and complex piece of work that wasn't likely to appear in the next cutting edge build and may also result in some loss of performance. Fast forward the few days to now ... This is an amazing turnaround thank you so much.

They have even fixed my second report to do with Voronoi diagrams as well!

Landsystems Ltd ... Know your land |

1,023 post(s)
#10-Dec-21 22:05

Sometimes when the mathematician and the algorithmatician throw all their tools on the table, stuff like this can happen.


10,447 post(s)
#10-Dec-21 16:54

Changes for 8

The C runtime (CRT) is updated to 14.30.30704.0. (See the note for 9 for details. The current cutting edge build for 8 supports both the new version and the previous version of the CRT seamlessly.)

(Fix) The Make Image command works around the bug in GDI+ which sometimes shifts individual lines horizontally in small amounts when the produced image is big enough to not be rendered in one go. (We did one fix for this earlier and then we strengthened it, but apparently the issue was a little deeper and the previous fix only avoided it in some cases, but not others. The new fix should hopefully avoid the issue in all cases.)

The geocoding server for Geocoder.US is discontinued. The service is no longer available.

The geocoding server for Virtual Earth is discontinued. The version of the service used by 8 is no longer available (the successor is Bing, supported by 9).

The image server for Google is updated.

The image server for Google V2 is updated. The name of the server includes '(requires API key)' to remind that the image server requires specifying the API key in the configuration file.

The image server for NearMap is updated. The 'Satellite' and 'Transparent' sub-servers are removed as they are no longer available. The server now requires specifying the API key in the configuration file, the name of the server includes '(requires API key)' as a reminder.

The image server for OpenStreetMap is updated. The 'CloudMade' and 'Osmarender' sub-servers are removed as they are no longer available.

The image server for Virtual Earth is updated.

The image server for Wikimapia is updated.

The image server for Yahoo is discontinued. The version of the service used by 8 is no longer available (the successor is Here, supported by 9).

The image server for Yandex is updated. The 'Street Map' and 'Transparent' sub-servers are removed as they are no longer available.

End of list.

204 post(s)
#10-Dec-21 22:45

This is welcome news to me. I recently purchased a Macbook Air with the M1 chip. I installed Parallels and an ARM version of Windows 11 on it. M8 would not install on the virtual machine. However, M9 did. I haven't been able to play with M9 on the Macbook because Parallels (and possibly Windows 11) will not allow me to access external storage devices. If M8 works on the virtual machine, I will be a happy camper (I have over 900 projects that include M8 maps).

Of course, I will let the forum know how well my experiment works.

FYI: Yes, I am a traitorous Mac user. My house is Mac-centric and the Macbook Air with the M1 chip has incredible battery life and a crazy-fast processor. The Macbook Air is much thinner than my old Intel laptop and far lighter to boot. Much more pleasant to take on long trips.

wvayens117 post(s)
#11-Dec-21 13:17

I too had trouble installing M8 on my M1 MacBook Air. What I eventually discovered is that I was downloading the installer on my Mac and moving it over to the windows side. The windows installer did not like this. Downloading it in Edge on the Windows side solved the problem.

The new cutting edge versions, however, did not seem to have this problem.

173 post(s)
#13-Dec-21 13:47

Brilliant! My tests of exporting large maps (A0, 400dpi) are a success. No particular lines appear on the rendering anymore. Thanks


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