Hi A) it is take time to understand the inter relation beetween terms !! Affine transformations are a subset of the projective transformations 1) Does matrix can be use for Affine and projective transformations ? 2) Can we replace the term projection by transformation ? 3) Matrix support only operator addition and multiplication ? 4) which geom transform can be achieve using matrix ? B) how is manage x,y,z point in manifold 9 1) how can we write using text vector 2) how can we concat geom column and high column to a vector 3 ( floatx3) column ? 3) Is there native manifold9 matrix function ( pure SQL , or script programming ) ? C) what are the relation beetween projection term use in gis and thos projectins : orthographic , perpective, Oblique ? D) coordinate with projection and elevation The geometry and geography types in both databases, PostGIS and SQL Server, String geoWKT = "LINESTRING(1 0, 0 1, -1 0)"; Geometry geomWKT = Geometry.STGeomFromText(geoWKT, 0); Geography geogWKT = Geography.STGeomFromText(geoWKT, 4326); so refer to the function STGeomFromText, the API seem the same but apply to different object Geography /Geometry <-- STGeomFromText(String wkt, int SRID) - Geometry, where it assumes all of your data lives on a Cartesian plane (like a map projection);
- Geography, where it assumes that your data is made up of points on the earth's surface, as specified by latitudes and longitudes.
Does values ( coordinate system) that come from satellite are call global geographic projection and the transformation from spherical/ellipsoid to flat plan ( conic cylindric ...) is call geometry projection ? regard's Attachments:
Boyle surface fr ,en |