Hi here some question not really on GIS subject but http server and so IMS !! I read and see in IIS that the language supported in IIS GUI is vb and C# . when read the code of some manifold IMS example i see in asp file <%@ enablesessionstate=false language=javascript %> 1) How javascript code inside asp file can be process script engine if there is no javascript engine define in the IIS level ? 2) Where is the setting that let us know which dynamic script language can be define in the directive <%@ language=languageName %> ? Do we must go to registry ? 3) php and jsp define server script language and technology , Asp is technology without define any language since we can use vbscript or C#. 4) since C# is a language use for desktop software , does it mean the script is compile in native and C#ll be faster than vbscript ? 5) Does it make sense in visualstudio to define a reference to manifold dll for asp ( if available) to have intellissense and completion and pop up doc ( if available) . 6) which programming editor support for asp vbscript intellissense ....debug ..... Does use office programming editor could help a bit for code in test purpose ? 7) when i create a new project using visualstudio the item are language and sub item sometime show web . this occur for Visual C#,VisualBasic, python . Not for Javascript ,Typescript , visual C++ ! so IDE suppport language not supported by IIS ( no explicit engine name ) !!! regard's
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