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#11-Nov-18 21:48

I really like theIMS DEmo page where all example can be test online and all the source code that are available

I really like the svg demo but wanted for each drawing add an id (1) that ll be use to highlight the geom of this id after user enter a word or many inside a input search form (2) .

1) refer to svg town demo ; in which level of the code i have to retrieve the id ? the logic of svg demo is retrieve only the geom starting from drawing . In my case does use the table instead rawing is the best way to retrieve both geom and data ?

2) which demo on IMS show us howto run a SQL using input form ?

3) which framework should be best in the server client side ?

a) client to access to svg DOM id : JQuery or D3.js ? in the D3.js case it is really nice that manifold 9 import and export geojson file !!

b) server side i really don't know if a library should be use for run a SQL query ( using regexp with parameters ) on table manage by IMS for return data that ll process by client side .



Book about Science , cosmological model , Interstellar travels

Boyle surface fr ,en


10,447 post(s)
#12-Nov-18 10:10

We'll keep 1 in mind for when we will be redoing IMS samples in 9.

2 - There are several examples which launch SQL. The first I see on the page is 107th Congressional Districts.

3a - No preference for client-side framework for Javascript code from our side. Generally, you already have a framework you are familiar with / have a lot of code with, and our role is to work well with anything you might have.

3b - Are you asking whether it is better to filter the results of some table using a particular criteria on the server or on the client? If so, the answer depends on how big the table is and how likely the user is to try a different filter. If the results aren't too big and you want the user to try different things with it, it makes sense to retrieve the whole table and perform filtering on the client. Otherwise, it is better to perform filtering on the server.


1,000 post(s)
#12-Nov-18 11:49

Thank's a lot !!

3a) yes the best tool is the one we master .....

3b) I think i ll do on the server and use ajax on the client : the number of row are 40 000 but the result should be less than 40 and the 40 item should be viewable in less than 4 area ( same area location) . I ll not need geom here only use id to dynamic show the area with the id="mfd_id".

4) I think it make sense to write code inside manifold 8 control Form gui that ll be use in server side write code in javascript for HTML in the client side .

5) is there restriction about manifold 8 IMS server on windows 10 . Visual studio ( great) ask to switch for IIS to framework 2.0 !!

6) Does manifold IMS price server ( link ?) are competitive to (LW)AMP server with gis support? Thak's for any information and for easy client side framework ( not raster response ) that support search and focus on area ( osm client is one but raster ! ). I search for canvas or svg ! Manifold 8 is not dead if people buy mfd9 bet is to buy also mfd8 !!


Book about Science , cosmological model , Interstellar travels

Boyle surface fr ,en


10,447 post(s)
#12-Nov-18 12:30

4 - We agree it would be good to unify both the control we use for desktop and the code we use for the web. Have some plans here for 9.

5 - I don't know what code you are trying to use for the web site, if you are using code generated by File - Export - Web Page, or code from one of the examples, that uses either ASP or ASP.NET with old objects and this is why Visual Studio asks to switch IIS to .NET 2. Manifold 8 objects don't require .NET 2, you can use .NET 4 as well as more modern ASP.NET objects (ASP.NET went through several frameworks, you can use either). It is just that existing examples as well as generated code use old-style objects.

For 6, all you might need is a remote host that runs Windows. As long as you have that, with Remote Desktop access, you can set up Manifold there pretty easily. Then you can work on your web site locally using a full license of Manifold, then copy the web site + MAP files and other data it uses to the remote host and have that host be running a Runtime version of Manifold.


1,972 post(s)
#13-Nov-18 14:32

Lionel, fell free to contact me in french if you have question. I know the IMS quite well.


1,000 post(s)
#14-Nov-18 20:44


I ll try to do some test before contact you.


Book about Science , cosmological model , Interstellar travels

Boyle surface fr ,en


1,000 post(s)
#14-Nov-18 22:52


where is the object API one page pdf of manifold 8 API ?

what is the technology beetween IIS and OS ? ( cgi ? SSI )


Book about Science , cosmological model , Interstellar travels

Boyle surface fr ,en


10,447 post(s)
#15-Nov-18 07:07

The PDF for the object model for 8 is on the Free Stuff page (scroll down to Other Manifold Downloads).

8 IMS is a COM object, and normally you would use ASP or ASP.NET, but you can use anything. If the technology you want to use cannot interact with COM objects directly, you can write a wrapper (eg, for CGI you can write a small EXE which would take arguments from the command line and, say, open the specified MAP file, render the specified component and put the result into a PNG file in the specified location). Web sites generated using File - Export Web Page use ASP or ASP.NET.


1,000 post(s)
#16-Nov-18 12:41

i ll post some links here of some usefull documentation

IIS server object API

strange to read a table with technology items like ASP , ASP NET ,COM component ?

There is a problem what is the relation beetween COM component and ASP ?

2) congres online internet demo . Is there avalable source code for congress demo ?


Book about Science , cosmological model , Interstellar travels

Boyle surface fr ,en


1,000 post(s)
#16-Nov-18 08:54

Hi here some question not really on GIS subject but http server and so IMS !!

I read and see in IIS that the language supported in IIS GUI is vb and C# . when read the code of some manifold IMS example i see in asp file <%@ enablesessionstate=false language=javascript %>

1) How javascript code inside asp file can be process script engine if there is no javascript engine define in the IIS level ?

2) Where is the setting that let us know which dynamic script language can be define in the directive <%@ language=languageName %> ? Do we must go to registry ?

3) php and jsp define server script language and technology , Asp is technology without define any language since we can use vbscript or C#.

4) since C# is a language use for desktop software , does it mean the script is compile in native and C#ll be faster than vbscript ?

5) Does it make sense in visualstudio to define a reference to manifold dll for asp ( if available) to have intellissense and completion and pop up doc ( if available) .

6) which programming editor support for asp vbscript intellissense ....debug ..... Does use office programming editor could help a bit for code in test purpose ?

7) when i create a new project using visualstudio the item are language and sub item sometime show web . this occur for Visual C#,VisualBasic, python . Not for Javascript ,Typescript , visual C++ !

so IDE suppport language not supported by IIS ( no explicit engine name ) !!!


Book about Science , cosmological model , Interstellar travels

Boyle surface fr ,en


10,447 post(s)
#19-Nov-18 08:39

Most of what you ask is about ASP / ASP.NET, not about Manifold. With that:

1 - IIS can run Javascript in ASP server-side. That said, ASP files that we generate contain a lot of Javascript that has to run on the client, not on the server, maybe that clouds the picture.

2 - Which languages you can use in <%@ ... language=... %> depends on system configuration, mostly it's just the standard languages available as COM / .NET engines on Windows systems, the same ones we support for scripts in Manifold.

3 - ASP uses COM languages, ASP.NET uses .NET languages, you are mixing the two (VBScript is COM and C# is .NET).

4 - Yes, for ASP.NET (not just for C#, for all .NET languages), server-side code is compiled. That makes it faster than in ASP where server-side code is interpreted.

5 - Yes, when you are using Visual Studio to develop applications that use Manifold objects, it makes total sense to reference the Manifold DLL with those objects.

6 - Which editor supports syntax highlighting and other things for VBScript sections in ASP? Visual Studio. Intellisense in ASP / ASP.NET is tricky because the file is split into sections with different sections using different languages, Visual Studio does a pretty good job of dealing with all that (although it's far from perfect).

7 - Don't understand this.


1,000 post(s)
#16-Nov-18 09:40

8) in the IMS demo files , Is there project that use asp C# ? IT seem all use javascript server side and manifold 8 don't support javascript .

9) it is really strange that some language support debug in manifold 8 but if so then can't support external library / reference .

So debug is available only for JScript and vbscript

So add to external dll is only availbale for the others languages

the best language ll support dll and debug !!!



Book about Science , cosmological model , Interstellar travels

Boyle surface fr ,en


1,972 post(s)
#16-Nov-18 12:59

Javascript and Jscript are the same thing. M8 supports javascript.


1,000 post(s)
#16-Nov-18 14:52

ok so what are the version of ECMAScript that JScript support on windows 10 ( last version ) when i write this post ( not es6) ?

wiki give that last version is for resume year 2011,= Script 9.0= Windows Internet Explorer 9 = 5ed ECMA-262. chakraat this date seem the runtime engine . The new chakra fork call also chakra support EMASC 5 and a bit of 6 . in this post manifold 9 use V8 and not chakra . I think the choice is not hasard !! and there is some reasons to not use default microsoft implementation of javascript ( JScript and chakra) . In a way google add to chrome sourcemap ( for css js) and microsoft create trypescript nut never see typescript in the server side !!!

i think there must be a microsoft official site because IE is "deprecated" since many edge browser version exist ( 17 , 18, 19 Preview ) !!

perhaps version don't matter and is not a question ask !! but javascript (es6) language new functionnalities are already here !!

) , So really great but does the JScript that run inside manifold 8 runtime is the same than Edge broswer ( Microsoft Edge 42.17134.1.0 ,Microsoft EdgeHTML 17.17134i use on windows 10

Book about Science , cosmological model , Interstellar travels

Boyle surface fr ,en


1,000 post(s)
#16-Nov-18 15:12


10) about javascript ( JScript) version use in differents contexts ( manifold OS browser)

11) use javascript store in different files need loader if manage from one main file so at this time most of the Jscript javascript ( server side) see inside manifold IMS demo seem t obe store in one file. Is it true of wrong ( TODO ) . So Does the concept of loader in the server side exist and already implemented like there is javascript loader in the client side ( webpack for any kind of asset ) !!!


Book about Science , cosmological model , Interstellar travels

Boyle surface fr ,en


1,000 post(s)
#16-Nov-18 16:36

here infographic for better understand what we speak ..

So until now if i not misspoke manifold 8 and 9 target .NET FRAMEWORK 4.6 !!??


Book about Science , cosmological model , Interstellar travels

Boyle surface fr ,en


1,000 post(s)
#16-Nov-18 17:04

extension for

--ASP Active Server Page is *.Asp

---ASP .NET are aspx or ascx

An aspx file is a web page.

An ascx file is a web user control , widget, Webform, Xaml ? place render on a page.

alls files declare in acsx ll be process execute and not only the first ( code behind)

Book about Science , cosmological model , Interstellar travels

Boyle surface fr ,en


1,000 post(s)
#17-Nov-18 22:25

some more info

1) a http engine use by Visual studio and is not the one use by IIS. need to understand where are store the directive that let us configure hhhtp engine inside VS .

2) what microsoft call code behind is a strange compute event in the server side after event occur on the client side so data change in the client page is manage by the server !! so whole page is load each time and request iso,g GET has many item ( val=value )

3) razor code is only different way to write code the ll be process on the server side . Server Side has access to many tool/software/dll like database . Razor has helpers ( library) to help write code using a single line .

I can now begin to code !!!

Book about Science , cosmological model , Interstellar travels

Boyle surface fr ,en


1,000 post(s)
#16-Nov-18 15:17

12) refer to the capture screen above . So howto to debug .NET inside manifold 8 ? Is there already a page in the documentation ?

13) Does ASP.NET need ASP.Core to work ?

14) need to study more mono , razor , Blazor !!



Book about Science , cosmological model , Interstellar travels

Boyle surface fr ,en


10,447 post(s)
#19-Nov-18 08:52

12 - There's no way to debug .NET code in Manifold 8. As I said in response to 9, debugging requires support from a language engine, and .NET language engines did not have support for debugging when we were writing 8. Things have changed since then and we could probably write a debugger for .NET languages now - not all of them, but some. Whether or not we are going to do so is an open question. Right now we think the effort is best spent elsewhere, mainly because everyone already has access to a really good debugger in Visual Studio, which has free versions.


10,447 post(s)
#19-Nov-18 08:46

8 - If you want to use C#, you have to use ASP.NET, not ASP. You cannot use .NET languages on the client, though, client-side code is mostly just Javascript (and not the .NET version of it).

9 - Debugging requires support from the side of language engine. Manifold 8 only knows how to debug COM languages. Maybe 9 is going to debug .NET languages, but frankly, since Visual Studio is available to everyone and its debugger is great, we'd rather spend time on something that extends what you can do with scripts rather than rolling our own debugger.


1,000 post(s)
#19-Nov-18 11:55

i share your point of view if coding can be done on better tools ( free) , the efficient way is to use them !!.

I post above some information for help me and perhaps others to understand relation beetween http engine , IIS , ASP and languages, Visual studio .

I Was not aware of limitation for IIS beetween ASP and ASP .NET Language !! (stackoverflow)

lder Classic ASP pages (*.asp) can be written in any language that supportsMicrosoft's Active Scripting technology, typically:

  • VBScript
  • JScript (Microsoft's dialect of Ecmascript)

ASP.Net pages (*.asp) can be authored in any supported .Net language, typically:

  • C#
  • VB.NET

ASP.Net doesn't really use a "script" language, as it is compiled.

ASP.NET released was in 2002 in the .NET Framework 1.0,

Classic ASP is still officially supported by Microsoft until 2020.

Book about Science , cosmological model , Interstellar travels

Boyle surface fr ,en

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