Well, here is what I did: Opened the MXB. Created a new drawing on a new table, named it Lines. Opened command window, copy / pasted the query from above, adjusted the names, and ran it: --SQL9 FUNCTION makeline(t TABLE) GEOM AS ( SELECT GeomConvertToLine(GeomConvertToPoint(GeomMergePoints([Geom]), false)) FROM t ) END; DELETE FROM [Lines]; INSERT INTO [Lines] ([Geom]) SELECT makeline((COLLECT [Geom] ORDER BY [TrackPointID])) FROM [TrackData] GROUP BY [LineID]; This created 2 lines. Opened the drawing. Noticed that I forgot to set the coordinate system, pressed Ctrl-1 to go to the Component pane. Clicked the button next to the coordinate system readout, selected Repair Initial Coordinate System - Latitude / Longitude. Dropped the original drawing into the window with the lines. They lined up.